
Ty Fenelus

"To the mystic, there is no such thing as an abstraction.”

- Sri Aurobindo

Hi, I'm Tayina.  

I love nothing more than sitting in deep conversation about spirituality, psychic abilities, mysticism, and spiritual development. My work is steeped in the progressive and always challenging evolution of consciousness. I have been honored to sit with hundreds of people from various places worldwide to provide spiritual clarity and practical guidance for their inner and outward journey.

 Your journey of self-knowing, wherever it finds itself – matters deeply to me. 

I have several unique abilities – including the ability to see subtle energy and light, etheric healing, clairaudience, spiritual channeling, and others. I do not take these abilities, nor the responsibilities they demand, lightly and work extensively to remain grounded in the realities of our world and the importance of practical integration for authentic spiritual work.

One of the essential aspects of spiritual development is my continuous learning of how I can better support you. I have learned from and work with various mystic teachers, indigenous teachers, and spiritual teachers in spiritual and physical form.I have an MA in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness and am currently pursuing an MA in Integral Counseling Psychology to pursue licensure as a psychotherapist.

I integrate many religious philosophies and esoteric traditions within our sessions. I am also profoundly influenced by the spiritual work of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother.

Combining the spiritual with the psychological is where I am home, so I take care to provide this approach within our work together. 

This work is always new and wondrous to me. I learn something different from each person I meet and am humbled continuously in learning with you. Please explore this virtual space in the hopes that you find whatever you need to help you on your journey.

It is my honor to go as deep as you want to go and be curious alongside you.

Ready to start your Intuitive Journey?